Adapting Empowered Aid to Your Context

Empowered Aid Toolkit for Humanitarian Practitioners

Toolkit Training for Humanitarian Practitioners

This training guide accompanies the Empowered Aid Toolkit for Planning and Monitoring Safer Aid Distributions, and it trains humanitarian practitioners to utilize the tools, design safer distributions, and reduce the risk of SEA associated with distributions. The kit also includes an accompanying slideshow. This training guide and PowerPoint presentation can also be accessed through the Toolkit shared drive. This training material is also available in Arabic and French

Empowered Aid PSEA Training for Transport Drivers Working in Aid Distribution

PSEA Training for Transport Drivers Working in Aid Distribution

This training guide outlines specific ways in which humanitarian actors can provide PSEA training for transport drivers. The aim of conducting this training is to increase aid recipients' understanding of SEA posed to aid recipients related to transportation. The guide includes day one and day two presentations. This training guide and PowerPoint presentation can also be accessed through the Toolkit shared drive. This training is available in French and Arabic

Empowered Aid Toolkit for Planning and Monitoring Safer Aid Distributions

Empowered Aid Toolkit for Planning and Monitoring Safer Aid Distributions

This toolkit applies findings and recommendations shared by women and girls from participatory research on how to reduce sexual exploitation and abuse in aid distribution. The distribution monitoring tools contained in this toolkit have been modified to better account for sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) risks. The Toolkit includes four adapted distribution monitoring tools: (1) a safety audit or observational monitoring tool, (2) a point of distribution questionnaire, (3) a household survey, and (4) a focus group discussion tool with guidance on how to plan, train, collect data, and conduct analysis using the adapted tools. These tools can be used to proactively identify and address known barriers and risks for SEA that inhibit aid distributions from being safe for women and girls. A shared drive of additional resources and templates to support toolkit users is available to anyone.

The Toolkit and accompanying shared drive files are now available in Arabic, French, Bangla, and Spanish.