Making Distributions Safer

Monitoring Risks of SEA cover

Monitoring and Evaluation Tip Sheets

Empowered Aid Monitoring and Evaluation Tip Sheets serve as preliminary guides for those who are interested in learning more about the tools used in the Empowered Aid Toolkit for Planning and Monitoring Safer Aid Distributions. Empowered Aid has Tip Sheets available for our Household Survey, Safety Audit, Focus Group Discussion, and Point of Distribution Questionnaire tools.

Screenshot of Animated video of Phase 2 Pilot Findings to mitigate SEA in Lebanon

Empowered Aid Animated Video of the Phase 2 Pilot Findings to Mitigate SEA in Lebanon

The Empowered Aid Lebanon team in CARE International in Lebanon with the support of the GWI team developed an animated video to summarize the findings of the Phase II aid distribution pilots implemented in partnership with Union of Relief & Development Associations (URDA) in Lebanon. The animated video is an example of how to communicate back findings visually and creatively with women, girls, and affected communities, in which literacy may be a barrier.

Video Citation: Karim Koleilat, Independent animator, and CARE International in Lebanon. Beirut: Lebanon.

Image of Empowered Aid Sector Tip Sheet for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. Image includes text detailing risks of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Empowered Aid Sector Tip Sheets

Empowered Aid Sector Tip Sheets serve as concise guides for those interested in mitigating sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in humanitarian settings by outlining sector-specific indicators and risk factors of SEA, and subsequently providing sector-specific recommendations to mitigate risks of SEA. Empowered Aid currently offers Tip Sheets for Food, Shelter, Cash, Fuel & Firewood, and WASH sectors, and each sector sheet is available in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.

Empowered Aid: Reducing Risks of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Aid Delivery

Empowered Aid: Reducing Risks of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Aid Delivery

This brief shares findings and recommendations from Empowered Aid's implementation with women and girls living in Kutupalong Refugee Camp, in partnership with World Vision U.S. and World Vision Bangladesh. This brief demonstrates how aid actors can improve their accountability to affected populations by putting the expertise of women and girls into action and responding to their feedback with tangible changes to the ways they deliver aid and monitor risks of SEA associated with distributions. 

Phase 2 Pilot Reports in Lebanon

Phase 2 Pilot Reports in Lebanon

This booklet shares the reports from the two pilots conducted in Lebanon – a fuel voucher distribution and a food distribution – to test recommendations made by women and girls that could increase their safety at aid distributions. The booklet contains the summary report for each pilot as well as individual reports for each of the tools used during the distribution.

Empowered Aid: Phase 2 Pilot Reports in Uganda

Phase 2 Pilot Reports in Uganda

This booklet shares the reports from the four pilots conducted in Uganda – the first food distribution, dignity kit distribution, the second food distribution, and a solar lamp distribution – to test recommendations made by women and girls that could increase their safety at aid distributions. The booklet contains the summary report for each pilot as well as individual reports for each of the tools used during the distribution.

Lebanon Sector-Specific Brief: SEA in relation to cash assistance

Empowered Aid Lebanon sector brief: SEA in relation to Cash Assistance

This brief summarizes key findings around SEA in relation to cash assistance, and provides targeted recommendations to make cash assistance safer for women and girls.

Lebanon Sector-Specific Brief: SEA in relation to shelter assistance

Empowered Aid Lebanon sector brief: SEA in relation to Shelter Assistance

This brief summarizes key findings around SEA in relation to shelter aid, and provides targeted recommendations to make shelter-related distributions safer for women and girls.