Jessie Weber

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Jessie Weber


Email: Jessie Weber

Jessie Weber is a Research Associate with the Global Women's Institute at the George Washington University. She has been working with various grassroots efforts to support displaced populations across Europe since 2020, and previously worked as a coordinator for child safeguarding in northern France with Project Play and partner organizations prior to joining GWI. Within the US, she has seven years of experience volunteering with grassroots organizations supporting immigrant populations across the northeast and has a professional background in legal and psychosocial support for veteran populations, including two years working with the Center for Integrated Healthcare to support behavioral health treatments for post-traumatic stress and substance use disorders.

She holds a BA in Government concentrating in International Relations from Cornell University, and a Master in Public Health concentrating in Humanitarian Health from the George Washington University. Her professional interests center on bridging gaps of accountability to and collaboration with affected populations in research and programming, and on the inherent right of all people to accessible, individually-adapted health services, including mental health and psychosocial support.